Leadership positions within the outdoor industry are rarely filled by BIPOC. Future Leader Investment Program (FLIP) intends to change this.
Future Leader Investment Program recruits the brightest BIPOC business owners in the outdoor industry and pairs them up with mentors, educational opportunities and resources. We believe future leaders become actual leaders via education, their networks and let’s face it…money (or access to capital). We can help with the first two things.
Our goal is to balance out the color of leadership in the outdoor industry. We do this by investing in high caliber BIPOC business owners and fast-tracking their path to leadership. We want to see more businesses owned by BIPOC in the outdoor industry and we want to see them thrive.
If you’re interested in joining us as a Future Leader or as an Industry Partner, we’d love to hear from you.
The 2023 cohort will be begin at Outdoor Media Summit in September in Boise. The selection process will be highly selective and our goal is to secure funding so that all of education and travel expenses are paid for. This means the cohort may end up being small.
Currently we are looking for BIPOC owned/founded product companies and media entities. One note about media; we’re looking for media entities that are not solely focused on DEI. As ironic as it sounds, we want to find BIPOC media entities that focus on other topics outside of DEI. There’s a deeper philosophy here and would love to share more over a drink.
The purpose of this program is not to point out the problems, but to actively create a better future. Let’s FLIP the script together.
If you feel like you’d be a good fit as a FLIP candidate, please fill out the application below or email.
If you feel like your brand or organization would be a good candidate as a FLIP sponsor, email yoon@outdoormediasummit.com and kenji@outdoormediasummit.com.
100% of your sponsorship in this program goes toward costs and Outdoor Media Summit will match your sponsorship 100% (in other words, every candidate you pay for, we’ll pay for another one).
Yoon Kim, Founder, Future Leader Investment Program